
Vision & Mission

We envision a healthy global society progressing in the infinite path of development. We reach out to the global community with a mission to encourage holistic wellness by educating and supporting the public about illness prevention and wellness promotion through time tested and scientific combinations of advanced Ayurveda, modern science and other aligned health sciences, all delivered via an IT & AI platform.

What We Provide!

We cover all the aspects of wellness

Organise your diet, fitness, sleep, mind and lifestyle patterns with extensive wellness solutions that make a significant difference.

Wellness Score & Sub-score

You will get the overall score of your wellness as well as sub scores of the individual aspects. You can thus understand your overall health,identify the stronger aspects and those aspects requiring improvement of your overall health.

Personalised Wellness Report

Based on an assessment and analysis of your lifestyle and habits, we give you a detailed wellness report, the wellness manual for your whole system.

Wellness Consultation

Get consultation with health experts at your fingertips. We are backed by a huge team of experienced medical experts, doctors, dieticians, life style experts whom you can readily approach.

Wellness Store

Wellness is also associated with what you consume and use in your daily life. We open up handpicked collection of wellness-products that you can adopt for a healthy living through our e-commerce wing.

Health Record

Our platform also acts as an archive for all your medical records including those of health history, illnesses, treatments undergone, medical tests done, surgeries undergone if any etc.

Integrated Family Wellness Plan

A one-point access to the wellness of an entire family. A feature that allows more than one members of a family to access and monitor the wellness status of every family member from the youngest to eldest apart from their own.

Special Wellness Packages

We provide highly custom-designed wellness packages meant for specific cases such as pregnant women, nursing mothers, elderly people, those who suffering from chronic diseases like cancer or life style diseases such as diabetes etc.

HR Management Kit

A unique approach to assessment of human resources. We assess the physical, mental and emotional wellness of candidates to examine their fitness and suitability for a given career or job.

Home remedies and beauty care

We provide time tested and safe home remedies using items that are common to every household. We also provide personalised beauty care that fits the body nature of a person ensuring the effects and benefits last longer.

Health & Wellness Community

Our platform allows you to get easy access to a large community of experts apart from common people to get information, updates and guidelines related to contemporary health issues, pandemics etc .


Our Specialities

Customized Personal Wellness Plan
Advanced Ayurveda Wellness
Holistic & Integrated Medicine
AI Driven Advanced Technology
Globally Suitable Wellness Plans
Unique Data Analytics & Reports
System Generated Reports
Wellness Plan For Whole Family
A Futuristic wellness platform

Advanced Ayurveda

All round holistic wellness through
advanced ayurveda, modern science and
other aligned health science

  • Physical Health Plans

    Wellness diet plan
    Physical fitness plan

  • Mental Health Plans

    Mind Management plan
    Healthy sleep plan
    De addiction & habit management

  • Personal Care Plans

    Healthy routine plan
    Wellness beauty care

  • Wellness Monitors & Updates

    Customized wellness score analysis
    Daily wellness monitors
    Wellness progress reports
    Health record

  • Wellness Consultation & Guidances

    Expert wellness consultation
    Consultation for chronic illnesses
    Authentic home remedies
    Blog free videos and research updates

  • Human Resource Management Kit

    Our support team will get assistance from AI-powered suggestions, making it quicker than ever to handle support requests.


Special Plan

check Weight management plan
check Woman health plan
check Senior citizen plan
check Integrated family health plan
check Pregnancy & neonatal care.
check Youth power pack plan
check Infertility care


Organise your diet, fitness, sleep, mind and lifestyle patterns with extensive wellness solutions that make a significant difference. Wellness is an integral concept which requires attention and care to be evenly distributed across every aspect that influences your mental and physical health. We monitor your eating, sleeping, working and lifestyle patterns to identify the prevailing issues and take corrective measures.



Wellness diet is the diet that leads to a higher wellness status. Our Highly Customized Diet Plan works in alignment with your natural Digestive Rhythm, innate Body type, Metabolism, Physical & Mental work requirement in addition to calorie and nutrition needs.

check Diet Awareness
check Daily Diet Recipes
check Special Diet
check Tracking & Monitoring

Our Wellness
Diet Plan Features

Know your food!
Bestow deit awareness through:

Personalized Diet Report
Daily Diet Plan
Weekly Diet Evaluation Report & Monitor
Access To Diet Blogs & Latest Research Journals

Personalized Diet

check Diet score: Know your present wellness diet status which gradually supports you to achieve maximum wellness from your diet.
check Customized diet report along with expert recommendations.
check Personalized daily diet recommendations.
check Diet habit monitoring.
check Weekly diet reports: It will help the user to maintain a balanced diet.
check Healthy food creates a healthy mind.

Daily Diet Recipes

One stop solution for all your Diet Concerns…

We present you wide varieties of healthy & nutritious recipes which are selected through accurate monitoring of daily wellness status, nutritional requirements and body suitability of users



  • A healthy breakfast may reduce the risk of illness.
  • Enhance Immune System.
  • A balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber is the key to any healthy breakfast


  • Mid noon is the best time for lunch.
  • Lunch time is the best hunger time.
  • A delayed lunch ends up with digestion issues and diseases.

Mini meals

  • Improves your energy levels.
  • Provide mental clarity.
  • Assist in maintaining your blood sugar levels throughout the day


  • Eating an early dinner is good for health and contributes to better sleep quality
  • Optimize cardiac functions & lower the risk of heart attacks.

Special Diet Recipes

One stop solution for all your Diet Concerns

We present you wide varieties of healthy & nutritious recipes which are selected through accurate monitoring of daily wellness status, nutritional requirements and body suitability of users

Immune Boosting Diet

Immune booster food always helps to stay away from so many health complications.

check Varieties of immune-boosting diet recipes.
check Specific to each body type.
check To be included in everyday food.
check Natural and Rich in antioxidants.
check Slows down aging.
check Keeps the immune system healthy.
check Activate T and B lymphocytes to fight against diseases.
check Reduce respiratory diseases and anti-inflammatory action.
check Reduce sensitivity towards seasonal variations.
check Fight against toxins from food, water, air, etc
Body Building Diet

Relax muscles and supply protein especially after workout or strenuous activity

check Improve your physical appearance.
check Healthy natural way of bodybuilding without side effects.
check Helps to improve muscular strength, tone and bulk.
check Prevent wrinkling of skin and keep you young.
check Strong bones and muscles power.
check Increase personal confidence to do any physical activity.
check Improves your personality
Natural Energy Drink

Improve your energy instantly without adding additional calorie to your diet

check It Works as an additional energy supplement.
check Micronutrients and Antioxidants make the body healthy.
check Improve your metabolism and remove weakness and tiredness.
check Rich source of vitamins and minerals.
check Helps in emergency recovery of the body to normal status.
check Helps to balance electrolytes.
check Stabilize glucose level fast.
check Rich in soluble fibers helps easy absorption to the body.
Detox Diet

A Detox diet helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Our detox and fasting measures are highly customised and genetically suitable to specific body types. This has to be taken when the body shows symptoms of specific disease tendencies or toxin accumulation.

check Improve digestion, absorption, metabolism throughout.
check Blood Purification by activating liver functions and removing toxins from the body.
check Purification of blood by activating liver functions and removing toxins from the body.
check Helps in tissue level deep cleansing as they are rich in dietary fibres.
check Supports natural healing.
check Activate endocrine secretions.

Advanced Wellness Diet Tracking With AI Functionalities

We use advanced AI and Data science technology to track the individual diet to give a personal diet tracking report. Our AI-based advanced tracking system helps to adopt the customized healthy diet from every corner of the world. We analyze the time zones, climate and specific locations from a wellness point of view and bring you the best healthy diet etc.

Read More

Physical Fitness Plan

Ours is a holistically customized plan. Fitness is not just a toning exercise for muscle build or a weight management mode here. We analyze individual lifestyle components and recommend the most suitable physical activity for an absolute wellness and quality living.

Optimum Fitness

Our research team has developed a fitness module to provide optimum fitness to every individual

“Optimum fitness is a condition resulting from a lifestyle that leads to the development of an optimal level of cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and flexibility as well as the achievement and maintenance of ideal body weight” -The American Council on Exercise (ACE)

check Fitness score : know your present fitness status
check Customized fitness report(along with expert recommendations)
check Advanced Workout injury prevention & healing
check Fitness remedies
check Fitness monitoring
check Weekly fitness and activity reports
check Optimum fitness is the best way to fastly boost your over all wellness score
check Swimming, Walking, Running, Cycling, Heart Rate Monitoring
check Our platform can easily integrate with any kind of fitness tracking devices like smart watches, smart band
check Weekly report based on daily tracking
check Customized Fitness Training
check Varieties of Cardio, Weight training, Flexibility training, Yoga, Pilates, Mobility work, Dynamic Warm Ups, Strength training
check Amidst the trend of recorded workout videos, we choose to focus on providing Live Training on:
• Yoga
• Zumba
• Cardiac Exercise
• Bodybuilding Workouts
check We specially track current physical conditions like Chronic diseases, pregnancy stages, menopause, old age etc. to recommend personalized activity plans.
check Brain stimulating Yoga & Activities for students , youngsters & professionals
check Yogasanas, Special Pranayams, Intutive and relaxing Meditations
check Synchronizing the left brain and right brain to boost creativity.
check Strengthening of immune system by energy improvements and its adequate Distributions

Special Training Categories


Healthy Sleep Plan

Sleep is one of the important pillars which sustains life. Daily Sleep is as important as your Daily food. Our Circadian Aligned Sleep Plan works in alignment with your innate Body type, Metabolism, Physical & Mental work requirement, night shifts in addition to sleep habit monitoring.

Circadian Aligned Sleep

Ours is a Circadian Aligned Sleep Plan. The sleep-wake cycle in accordance with the natural internal regulation process - the circadian rhythm is a holistic and the most ideal wellness choice for a health oriented world. Circadian rhythm is the 24-hour internal clock in our brain that regulates cycles of alertness and sleepiness by responding to light changes in our environment. Our circadian aligned sleep plan boosts one's physiology, behaviour and immunity by enhancing the sleep quality and correcting the sleep habits in the most ideal way.

check Personalised sleep time recommendations
check Sleep quality improving tips
check Bedtime routine for sleep
check AI based sleep tracking & monitors
check Facility to integrate with any kind of sleep tracking devices like smart watches, smart band
check Sleep timing alerts
check Weekly report based on daily sleep pattern
check AcuPressure Guidance , Massage Therapy, Activity Balancing, Music &Chantings, BedTime Routine and sleep supportive Mental Tasks, Meditation for sleep, Relaxing stretches & mudras, De-stressing Yoga.
check We specially track current physical conditions like Chronic diseases, pregnancy stages, menopause, old age etc to address sleep disturbances.
check Latest Sleep blogs and research

We focus on regulating Sleep

Management of Gadget Withdrawal & Night shift Balancing for youth & professionals .
6 fold remedies to overcome sleep disorders & Insomnia:-

  • Diet modifications
  • Physical activity modifications
  • Stress management
  • Routine modifications
  • Herbal remedies
  • Yoga & breathing

Consultations for chronic sleep disorders

Special management of pain - disease - drug side effect etc..

check For children
check For adult
check For elderly

Daily Routine Plan

Daily routine consists of the things we change or the compromises we make considering the environmental and living conditions of different locations. An everyday healthy routine leads to a wellness oriented lifestyle. Having a regularised Routine makes your body and mind well organised , gives structure to your day and makes you free from unpredictability, uncertainty, and stress with a sense of control. Our Circadian Aligned Holistic Routine Plan works in alignment with your innate Body type, Metabolism, Physical strength & night shifts in addition to Routine setting and monitoring.

Body clock- Circadian Rhythm

Modern Science could explain “Molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm” and won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine while our much advanced ancient wisdom of Ayurveda could set a daily routine and lifestyle itself based on this biological rhythm of the day, season, places, climate etc thousands of years before. Our AI team has developed a Routine Resetting based on your Body clock- Circadian rhythm to provide a quality life and wellness through nature aligned routine to every individual.

check Personalised Routine Suggestions
check Ideal Routine advice by Experts
check Customized Routine Resetting based on AI
check Routine Reminders
check Routine monitoring to assess healthy habits & lifestyles
check Weekly Routine Progress Report
check Meditations & Techniques for Work Productivity
check Integrated Routine for family & work community
check Routine & Lifestyle Journals

Our Special Routine Categories & Packages

Travel routine & guidances- for illness prevention

You will get the overall score of your wellness as well as sub scores of the individual aspects. You can thus understand your overall health,identify the stronger aspects and those aspects requiring improvement of your overall health.

Early Morning Routine

A Rhythmic start of a day keeps you healthy and energetic throughout the day.

Bedtime Routine

A rhythmic shut down of your system grands you quality sleep & rest and fresh & energetic tomorrow.

Career Based Routine

Plan your work efficiently with your routine assistant.Work productively based on rhythmic functional energies of the time zone you live in.

Anti Aging Routine Care

Healthy Routine keep you young.

Highly Customised Advanced Ayurvedic Routine Package

AI guided Ayurvedic wellness routine is at your fingertip . Get your ayurvedic premium routine kit. Lifestyle consultation


Mind Management Plan

Mind is the set of faculties including cognitive aspects such as consciousness, imagination, perception, thinking, intelligence, judgement, language and med is the inevitable part of a wellness life. Considering this we have made a holistic Mind Management Plan. We reach out to the root cause of mental wellness and illness with the support of all medical sciences and address the mental faculties in the most natural way possible. We analyze your ayurvedic mental type in addition to your body type and find out the best solutions for you.

Your Smile makes your life more beautiful

“While Mental well-being includes being satisfied with one’s life; balancing positive and negative emotions; accepting one’s self; finding purpose and meaning in one’s life; seeking personal growth, autonomy, and competence; believing one's life and circumstances are under one’s control; and generally experiencing optimism, the Social well-being involves providing and receiving quality support from family, friends, and others.”

check Personalised guidelines
check Know your mental type- Exclusive content
check Customized mental health plan
check Mind mapping for work-life balance
check Habit reversal training for adults and children
check Mind Management master classes
check Stress, Habits, Emotions & Happiness Trackers
check Reminders for anything & Everything
check Weekly Mental Health Report
check Integrated Stress Monitoring for family & Work Community
check Skill based Scientific activities
check Tackle your Emotion
check Mind Journals
check Varieties of guided mind supporters For Stress Reduction

Personal Consultations for Mental Illness Management

“Mental illness is caused by a number of factors including biological factors, stressful or traumatic life events, and long-lasting health conditions such as heart disease or cancer”

check Kids below 16 years
check Women 16-60 years
check Elderly above 60 years
check Men 16-60 years

Hr ManagementKit

The four primary goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict, and change behavior. We support you to find suitable candidates for your company through our psychometric analysis.